President's message

Midori Auto Leather is a comprehensive surface materials manufacturer engaged in safety-first, environment-first activities as an enterprise of the Midori Anzen group. We are making a concerted, company-wide effort to combat climate change and environmental pollution, working toward carbon neutrality by developing environmentally conscious, eco-friendly leather, and leveraging our accumulated technical and product-development capabilities to meet customers' requirements.
To procure our raw materials, we have established a traceability management system across the global supply chain.
In manufacturing, we are promoting the three Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) to ensure maximum energy efficiency.
As a member of a global society, Midori Auto Leather will dedicate its entire team to building a sustainable world. We appreciate and look forward to your ongoing support.

June 2022
Fujio Matsumura
President, CEO
Midori Auto Leather Co., Ltd.


Basic Policy

As a global enterprise, Midori Auto Leather procures raw materials from around the world, using water and chemicals to manufacture and provide its products. By engaging with SDGs across the entire company, Midori Auto Leather focuses its activities on building a sustainable future.

Midori Auto Leather's SDGs

All employees of Midori Auto Leather participated in an activity to establish an ideal vision of the company in 2050.
To achieve this vision, target values were set for each materiality theme. The company will leverage all its knowledge and capabilities toward meeting these targets.

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Procurement Methods

While building our global supply chain, we plan to build strong, trusting relationships with suppliers in our procurement activities. We will strive to achieve a sustainable society under the following policies: 

  1. Fair and equitable transactions
  2. Compliance with the law and social norms
  3. Respect for human rights
  4. Mutual trust with suppliers
  5. Consideration for the environment
  6. Information management and protection

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The SDG Promotion Committee is an organization directly under the board of directors, headed by the managing director in charge. The Committee's main responsibility is to hold small-group activities with the participation of all employees, led by members chosen from each department.
These activities are run by SDG advisers composed of Division Directors and Vice Division Directors, with support from the Promotion Secretariat.
At regular meetings of the Promotion Committee, progress on activities is confirmed and reported to the board of directors.


The SDG Proposal System is an activity that solicits work improvement proposals from our employees in Japan and overseas, awards incentives for the best proposals, and applies the winning proposals to our SDG activities.
By allowing employees to actively participate in reforming and improving the work environment, we create opportunities for employees to be recognized for their contributions to work improvement and efficiency.


Based on the 2030/50 targets, we extract management indicators from the relevant GRI standards to be used as KPIs.
In addition, we continuously monitor trends in CO2 emissions, waste volume, and water usage (see the following graphs).

Trends in CO2 emissions during production
Trens in waste volume during production
Trends in usage during production

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※1KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are indicators used by an enterprise for assessing the achievement of its targets.

Midori Auto Leather conducts SDG activities with the participation of all its employees.
In addition to the 2030/50 targets, 13 small groups are working on a total of 227 items independently established in their respective departments.

Our "Kurumin Mark" certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
A visit from elementary-school students for a social-studies field trip
Our award for excellent factory energy management

※2CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) refers to enterprises' contribution to society, for example through environmental activities, volunteering, and donations.